The Liftket Power and B13 Models
There are a few key features which differ between these two Liftket electric hoist models. Firstly only the B13 is available with a hook suspension, however just like the Power model you also have eye suspension or powered trolley options.
Secondly the working load limits differ considerable. The B13 begins with a 4000kg capacity and maxes out at 12500kg. The Power Liftket hoist on the other hand starts at 8000kg and reaches 25000kg on the largest model. Finally is a powered trolley is chosen the power models use a double trolley system for optimum safety and superior movement.
Each hoist will be supplied with a 3 metre height of lift and a 1.5 metre control cable as standard with 24V AC low volt control. Let us know if you require something different.
There are many great features with these Liftket Hoists, and, made in Germany are of great quality. The hoists boast electric limit switches, gear ventilation, chain guides, disc brake, low voltage and control pendant.
Modular Liftket Electric Hoists
Both the B13 and the Power Liftket hoisting systems are modular in design which means that some components can be changed pretty easily.
The suspension type is one of the easily changeable components so if you have a simple eye suspension for example it can be swapped out for a powered trolley further down the line if necessary. The suspension choices are eye, hook (B13 only) and electric trolley.
The lifting eye plate can be fitted to the top of the hoist body either way round, the correct way will depend on how many chain falls the hoist is using. This is because the eye is not centrally positioned on the plate, thus not in line with the centre of gravity. So if you have a 2 fall hoist the eye plate must be inserted the opposite way to a single fall so that the eye is directly in line with the load hook. (see image for clarification)
Another option is the number of chain falls, one or two are your options here. With the Power Liftket model a single fall is only available in WLL from 8000kg up to 12500kg, anything over this and up to the top WLL of 25000kg will need two chain falls and will also use a double trolley for even load distribution. Both trolleys are wired together and are operated with a single controller.
For even more information on the B13 and Power Liftket there are PDF downloadable manuals in the specifications tab above.
We have many more electric chain hoists here at Lifting Hoists Direct including other models from Liftket as well as other key manufacturers. Many of our most popular hoists can be purchased directly online, whilst others need a quick phone call for option clarifications to give you an up to date best price. Get in touch if you need advice, we’re always happy to help.