The Versatility of Scaffold Hoist Uses

Scaffold Hoist Uses

Scaffold hoists are one of the most popular types of hoist used in industry, and although, as their name may suggest, they are traditionally used with scaffolding, they are actually extremely versatile. Read on below for more information on scaffold hoist uses.

What industries will you see scaffold hoists being used in?

Scaffold hoists are found in industries such as construction, home maintenance and engineering. They are used for the lifting and lowering of tools, equipment and building materials, and so you will see them commonly being referred to as “builder’s hoists”.

scaffold hoist uses

This is what you’ll see scaffold hoists being attached to!

With a good braking system, a heavy lifting weight, and a high level of performance, you’ll see scaffold hoists being utilised in a huge range of sizes when it comes to these industries. Whether it’s a small home maintenance project or a large construction site, you can bet that there’s a scaffold hoist present making the whole process much easier!

What can scaffold hoists be attached to?

There are a few different scaffold hoist uses.


Starting with the obvious and most common use for scaffold hoists, they are regularly utilised on scaffolding. There are multiple places that they can hook onto scaffolds, meaning they aren’t limited or restricted on a worksite.


They can also usefully be hooked onto windows too. While this isn’t always the best solution, it makes for a practical alternative where no other option is available.

Gantry cranes

You will also see scaffold hoists being used on gantry cranes, another common piece of lifting equipment seen in industries such as the construction sector. However, this isn’t the primary use for a scaffold hoist, and a gantry hoist is a much better alternative for this.

scaffold hoist uses

You’ll see scaffold hoists dominate worksites like these

Not all scaffold hoists can attach to a gantry crane either as scaffold hoists are traditionally designed to attach to a pole.

Different lifting capacities

Scaffold hoists have a huge range of lifting capacities available to help match the varying needs that you’ll find on construction sites. Some only need to lift light tools, while others will be lifting incredibly heavy loads with things like bricks up to the top of a worksite.

Typically, you’ll find the scaffold hoists fall into the range of 100 – 500Kg of lifting strengths.

Different lifting speeds

Much as the same as the point above, these types of hoist also have varying lifting speeds too. Obviously it’s important that these things work slower when heavier loads are at play, but for lighter loads a quicker lift time helps to improve business efficiency.

Remote controlled for a high level of safety

Scaffold hoists are electrically operated and controlled remotely, meaning they are an extremely safe and secure piece of equipment for any of your workers on a worksite. Generally, these remote controls also come with a power on and power down operation, so you can safely operate the hoist from start to finish from a remote distance.

The hoist will also come with a braking feature for heightened safety.

Compatible with other great pieces of lifting equipment

Scaffold hoists are great for working with other vital pieces of lifting equipment such as wire rope. Wire rope is one of the strongest and most widely used pieces of equipment in the world, and the way it’s designed makes it a perfect fit for the heavy lifting often required on places like construction sites.

Find out more about our scaffold hoists and scaffold hoist uses

If you’re in need of a scaffold hoist, then we can help. You can get in contact with us directly here.



Image credit: bstad and 贝莉儿 NG




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