So why buy a Delta electric hoist? First and foremost the Delta electric hoists available at Lifting Hoists Direct are quality lifting hoists that are reliable and robust enough to handle most lifting applications.
Secondly you can get them delivered in the UK quickly, as the Delta DEH is kept in stock next day is often possible.
Thirdly they are probable the cheapest comparable model around.
What Delta Electric Hoists are available
The DEH is a popular electric hoist and comes in 250kg, 500kg, 1000kg and 2000kg lifting capacities, but that’s not all! Each hoist comes with a 6 metre height of lift as standard, that’s double the usual 3 metres you get with other hoists. Chain containers also come as standard, not an optional extra.
When it comes to suspension there are a few options. The safety hook suspension is the standard mode. But they can be supplied with a lug suspension or even an integral trolley.
Controlling the hoist is carried out with the pendant controller. And because it is dual speed it can be used for speed (highest speed setting) or more precise control (lowest speed setting). If you prefer Our Delta hoists can be supplied with a radio remote control system for easier use from a good distance away, up to 100 metres in fact.
Contactor relays are used in these hoists (Siemans) which can be individually swapped out should one go down. (it happens, although rarely). This is much cheaper and quicker than replacing a whole circuit board.
Besides the Delta DEH hoist there is also the Delta DTS. This is not quite as compact as the DEH but has pretty much the same components you can rely on. Lifting capacities are also higher with the largest being 5000kg for the DTS hoist. This is also available with an integral trolley.

Buying a Delta Hoist
Lifting Hoists Direct are one of the UK’s leading suppliers of Delta hoisting equipment as working partners with Delta. Look out for Delta hoists coming very soon including chain blocks and cable pullers. Give us a call or drop us an email if you would like more information.